Lead India Foundation, whose Chief Mentor was the Late Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam, the renowned aerospace scientist who served as...
The three-day religious celebration will take place at Eka Club in Kankaria from April 1 to 3. Ahmedabad (Gujarat) ,...
Mumbai (Maharashtra) , March 30: We all have an innate need for recognition that is satisfied only when our efforts are...
New Delhi (India), March 28: Athletes get injured in sports or even in their everyday practices. However, managing the injury...
New Delhi (India), March 23: The act of creating an impact by being an author is a task that requires a...
India’s foremost digital content and networking platform for women, Her Circle, celebrates its 310-million reach on its 2nd anniversary by...
New Delhi (India), March 7: As we celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, we bring forward strong opinions about...
Check out this unique experiential resort with a period theme: 3102bce – A Vedic resort in Vagator North Goa, March...
Kolkata (West Bengal) , March 1: A huge percentage of our population believes and likes to take decisions based on astrological...
Around 30 special children of the Cerebral Palsy unit participated in the workshop and experimented with various colours and textures...